
Drostanolone Propionate – Swiss Healthcare

Original price was: £40.00.Current price is: £34.00.

Drostanolone Propionate 100mg/ml.


Drostanolone Propionate (100 mg. | 10 amp. X 1 ml.)

This remedy is actually a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone, hence a highly demanded property – it does not aromatise even at high dosages. It is one of the most abused anabolic-androgenic steroids in the pre-competitive period since the result of its application is said to be brutal muscle hardness and density, assuming that the bodybuilder has already reached a very low percentage of subcutaneous fat. The available information indicates that Drostanolone propionate is also abused in the volume period, especially by those doping consumers who have difficulty taking easy-to-aromatise agents or are oriented towards means with low or no hepatotoxicity. However, in this case, muscle gains, or gains in strength, are not particularly dramatic.
Again, the application of this remedy is marked by side manifestations, from which stands out the risk of developing very strong acne and rapid hair loss.
Abused doses: published information indicates that the agent is abused approximately 4 weeks before the date of the competition, in doses from 100 mg to 300 mg in one week. Naturally, even in this case, doping consumers very often resort to combination with other means. Most often these are Testosterone Propionate, Oxandrolone, Stanozolol, Trenbolone and Methenolone Enanthate.