Pregnyl – MSD


Chorionic Gonadotrophin 5000 I.U.
Sodium Chloride 1ml Ampoule

Pregnyl 5000IU is an injectable drug manufactured by MSD and containing as active substance Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). Bodybuilders use it in steroid cycles and in post-cycle therapy to lose gain and to increase testosterone production.
The excessive use of testosterone in athletes stops their body’s own normal production. Pregnyl, on the other hand, works the testicles by increasing the male hormone level of the body by helping this production. Acting very quickly, it brings the testosterone level back to the body’s original balance


Pregnyl (Chorionic Gonadotrophin hCG 5000iu | 1 amp.)

Pregnyl 5000IU is an injectable medicine created on the base of the human placenta with its unique component syncytiotrophoblast. The active substance of the medicinal preparation manufactured by the MSD Company is hCG meaning Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It can trigger the use of body fat for fuel but not for storage.
Bodybuilders and athletes use this preparation at the end of their steroid cycles and in post-cycle therapy to lose weight and renew normal testosterone production. It can also prevent the breakdown of muscle tissues and restore the shape and function of men’s testes.
The dosage of Pregnyl within the cycle can be 500IU to 3000IU for a week but it is better to be taken as several injections during the week instead of one. The blood levels and condition are more stable when the medicine is administered like that. In the post-cycle therapy, the drug should be taken in smaller doses, of about 250-550IU every day during 2-3 weeks.




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