
Primobolan – Swiss Healthcare

Original price was: £39.00.Current price is: £33.00.

Methenolone Enanthate 100mg/ml.
Primobolan is an anabolic steroid of the new generation. It is characterised by its ability not to be converted into estrogens. That prevents such bad effects as acne, gynecomastia, and water retention.


Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate 100 mg. | 10 amp. X 1 ml.)

This is an injectable enanthate form of methenolone, which has a significantly longer period of action than is the case with the tablet acetate form. Most doping sinners consider this remedy to be a good basis for almost all anabolic cycles, despite the fact that its effect is said to be slightly weaker than the well-known Nandrolone decanoate. The available information indicates that it is abused mostly during the period of building a large muscle mass, but some doping sinners also apply it in preparation for the competition. However, it must be emphasised that compared to the acetate form, it causes a more pronounced storage of water in the muscles.
Side effects are very mild – mostly these are light acne. It does not aromatise, does not cause an increase in blood pressure, and there are also no known significant negative effects on the liver. It is generally considered the safest injectable form of anabolic-androgenic steroids, which is also abused by such doping sinners who have caused themselves significant damage to the body with 17-alpha-alkylated steroids. Of course, all this published information does not exclude the potential danger in the case of massive administration for a long time.
Abused doses: available material suggests that the weekly abused amount of this agent is in the range of 100-200 mg, mostly combining it with other anabolic-androgenic means. In the period of building muscle mass, means of the testosterone-mix type, Stanozolol, as well as Nandrolone decanoate are most often mentioned. In preparation for the competition, it is also abused with other “harder” doping means.