Rimobolan – Bayer


This is an injectable form of methenolone enanthate depot – an anabolic steroid with pronounced anabolic and moderately androgenic properties. Rimobolan enanthate is preferred by many bodybuilders because of its scarce side effects.


Rimobolan (Anabolizan 100mg. | 1 amp.)

Rimobolan Anabolizan is manufactured by Bayer. This is an injectable form of methenolone enanthate depot – an anabolic steroid with pronounced anabolic and moderately androgenic properties. This preparation is an ester of methenolone, i.e. its active ingredient is Methenolone Enanthate Depo. Typical of Rimobolan (methenolone) is that it is a completely safe steroid suitable even for starting athletes.
The product comes in the form of a fat-soluble substance for intramuscular injection into the body. Its main property, as all anabolic steroids is to promote muscle growth, it is most preferred by builders beginners and amateurs.
Primobolan has minimal effect on athletes with extensive experience in the adoption of steroids. Professionals prefer to use Deca-Durabolin and resort to the use of Primobolan Depot only when Deca is not available or is not appropriate for some reason.
Preferred by many bodybuilders: Rimobolan enanthate is preferred by many bodybuilders because of its scarce side effects. It does not aromatase (not convert to estrogen) and the only problem associated with its use is water retention at high levels. The drug is very popular among women athletes who use it due to the minimal side effects on the female body. The activity of this steroid is only five days, making it suitable for athletes undergoing doping control because it is almost impossible to find traces of methenolone five days after the last dose.




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