Stanozolol (Winstrol 10 mg. | 60 tabs.)
Winstrol is a drug made in the form of injections and tablets.
The injectable substance is not dissolved in oil but in water. Therefore, it has to be used for a shorter period than other steroids. Due to the fact that it is dissolved in water, it must be taken more often, almost every day. If it is purchased from underground laboratories, we can never be sure about the sterility of production and whether it is not contaminated with bacteria, because water is a greater breeding ground for bacteria than oil, and winstrol is only in water suspension. Therefore, the tablet option is a better option, and the oral version is also considered by many people to be more effective.
Although it is highly anabolic, the gains obtained with winstrol are not small. However, a hard, dry muscle of excellent quality is obtained. There are also surprising gains in strength.
Good results can be achieved with 50 mg a day. He is good before the competition. Together with a low-calorie diet (it is rich in proteins), it gives high-quality muscles. Usually, it is not used alone during a diet. It can be combined with many other steroids.
Water retention and muscle weight loss are rare and can only be noticed after discontinuation of use. Athletes who want to build mass and strength often use Winstrol with Metanabol, Anadrol 50, Testosterone, decadurabolin, and trenbolone.
Both the oral and intramuscular forms are c17 alpha-alkyls, which means they are toxic to the liver, especially the oral form in high doses. One of the undesirable effects of Winstrol is its “drying” effect on the joints – that’s why many combine it with deca durabolin, which it complements perfectly giving good gains of excellent quality mass. As for women, a side effect of Winstrol is that it can cause unfortunately voice problems very quickly, no one knows why.
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